Dealing with Life Changes

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Change, whether good or bad, can be stressful. Our brains process change as something unknown and previously unexplored, which triggers the fight, flight, or freeze response that has allowed humans to thrive and evolve over time. Adrenaline flows through the body, creating a physical chain reaction that can be motivating, harmful, or both if it overwhelms the system. Some things to manage positive or negative stress during times of change include:
Doing or experiencing activities that you enjoy (exercising, reading, sharing coffee with a friend, seeing a movie......whatever makes your heart sing!).
Talking with someone you trust and know will really listen.
Set an intention for the day. It may be simply unpacking one box following a move, or it could be completing that client report that you've been putting off. Reviewing the success of your intent at the end of the day produces a feeling of accomplishment (so make your intent realistic!).
Being mindful of those things and circumstances that haven't changed in your life. Mindfulness invites focus on the opposite of what we may be ruminating, worrying about, or experiencing. Try broadening your perspective in this way.
What suggestions do you have for dealing with big changes in your life?